They wait for your help

History of

AMHA was born in 1997 to create social awareness about mental challenges and to create a loving and caring home for the mentally challenged adults. AMHA helped parents of such persons to stand up to the noxious realities of life.

Wishes to change

Attitudes towards the mentally challenged vary mostly between sympathy, over protection and ridicule. Instead, they need an inclusive environment which helps them to grow- within their potential, inherent strengths and limitations.

Activities of

As vocational training AMHA train them to make disposable glasses, paper covers, writing chalk, agar bathi, phenoil, detergent powder, bathing soap Coir mats, Juices etc. We train them in music, drawing and painting.

Gallery of

AMHA is a non-governmental, non-profit social welfare organisation registered under the Charitable Societies Registration Act. AMHA seeks to provide a home for destitute mentally handicapped adults where they can live with love,